News Update
Low Beat Music is now available on British Airways long haul flights (anything over 4 hours).
We are also on Spotify under Robin Black

Low Beat Music
Low Beat Music is music that has a beat of 75 beats a minute or less (the normal heart rate).
Music of 75 beats per minute or less can help people relax, de-stress and sleep
Just as fast music can energize, Low Beat Music can relax and calm people.
This is a naturally occurring process called Brain Entrainment.
A Simple Solution
This low beat music causes the brain to produce Alpha brain waves. These are the same brain waves that occur when meditating and mindfulness. Instead of spending years to learn how to meditate or do mindfulness, our music will put you into the Alpha brain waves state in minutes.
All our Low beat music can be used to help you relax and to sleep. If you sit in a meditative pose so you don’t sleep, you will be able to meditate or do mindfulness
To Life Problems
Our music will reduce your level of stress. High stress in a short period or low level stress over a long period is known to cause physical and mental health problems.
Use it for meditation? mindfulness or to programme your subconscious to achieve your goals
We have used our knowledge of sound and training in meditation/ mindfulness to create this unique music.
The music helps children sleep. It also helps calm animals.

Low Beat Music is a new genre of music. We use specialized equipment to ensure our music has a low underlying beat. This music is designed based on scientific research.
Low beat music has been shown to produce alpha brain waves which allow access to the subconscious which can then be programmed to solve problems.
How to Download a MP3 File
Go to the Store to see all the music offered by Low Beat Music. Click on a product. This will be sent to the Cart. To see the Cart press the arrow to go back to the Home page then click on the Cart on the menu either at the top or the bottom of the page. Click on the required button to buy the product and follow the instructions.
Once you have purchased a piece of music you will receive an email with an attachment that is the MP3 file with the music on it. The download will also appear on the Account page.
Download and save this MP3 file. Remember the location you have saved it to.
If you already have an MP3 player on your device, simply load the MP3 file from the location where you saved it and it should play normally.
If your device that does not have an MP3 player download one for free from the Internet.
If you have an IPhone people have been experiencing problems because the download is not saved on an iphone. To save the downloaded file save the app called we collect from This will allow you to save the file on an iphone. You may need to download “an MP3 player for IPhones” as apparently the installed software will only play itune files not MP3 files (according to IPhone support). Download the file to your file folder using wetransfer on your phone and when you open the MP3 player go to the file folder and the player should then be able to play the music.
If you have problems email us and we will give assistance.
Do not listen to this music whilst driving or using machinery.
Terms & Conditions
All music written and produced by Robin Black.
All rights including copyright in the content of these The Low Beat Music Company Ltd. web pages including all Web site design, text, graphics, the selection and arrangement thereof, and all software compilations, underlying source code, software (including applets) and all other material on this Web site are owned or controlled by and its affiliates, or their content and technology providers. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Permission is granted to electronically copy and to print in hard copy portions of this Web site for the sole purpose of placing an order with Any other use of materials on this Web site including reproduction for purposes other than those noted above, broadcasting, downloading, storage or playing in public, modification, distribution or republication without the prior written permission of The Low Beat Music Company Ltd. is strictly prohibited.